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Date: 2021-10-12  
Subject: re: My Request Movie-Fan

Aw quit your crying already your at the highest level now. Put on your purple robe and site down. Show the decorum your position requires. These people making requests are for much lower levels giving them a 35 entry limit or maybe a 50 entry limit. They have followed the path you left and some even thanked you for showing an example. Now just nod your head close your lips say nothing and your acceptance will be clear. (Silence is Golden )


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Subject * Author Date
Are there any admins around? [X]schnits2022-02-05
     re: Are there any admins around?BANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-06
     re: Are there any admins around?Pooga2022-02-07
     re: Are there any admins around?schnits2022-02-07
     re: Are there any admins around?movie-fan2022-02-07
     re: Are there any admins around?movie-fan2022-02-10
     re: Are there any admins around?BDKINGSTON2022-02-11
NEW… [X]movie-fan2022-01-13
     re: NEW…Buizel102022-01-13
     re: NEW…movie-fan2022-01-14
     re: NEW…BANKCOLLECTOR2022-01-14
     re: NEW…pierre2122022-01-19
     re: NEW…BANKCOLLECTOR2022-01-20
     re: NEW…RubyRose2022-01-21
$100 Prefix GKL [X]Buizel102022-01-06
     re: $100 Prefix GKLBANKCOLLECTOR2022-01-07
     re: $100 Prefix GKLBuizel102022-01-07
     re: $100 Prefix GKLmovie-fan2022-01-07
     re: $100 Prefix GKLPooga2022-01-11
     re: $100 Prefix GKLmovie-fan2022-01-13
$100 2011 Prefix GKM - New Signatures [X]Buizel102021-12-23
     re: $100 2011 Prefix GKM - New SignaturesBuizel102021-12-23
new $5 prefix INF [X]pierre2122021-12-20
2nd request for Pooga [X]movie-fan2021-12-14
TOP USERS. --- # of notes entered [X]movie-fan2021-11-29

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