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Date: 2021-11-28  
Author: movie-fan  

After checking Tracker log-ins over the past while, I gotta give a shoutout to ALL Trackers who have returned to logging in daily and making entries.
With this activity this site has seen a resurgence in popularity, which is a very good thing to see!
So, to all you (old-timers as well😉) I say "THANK YOU!" for helping keep this website alive and well.
Another shoutout to Pooga for his ever tedious work in the upkeep of the site as the System Administrator. (now could you please take some time to add the new prefixes 😉😂). Seriously, thank you for all that you do.


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Subject * Author Date
NEW… [X]movie-fan2022-01-13
     re: NEW…Buizel102022-01-13
     re: NEW…movie-fan2022-01-14
     re: NEW…BANKCOLLECTOR2022-01-14
     re: NEW…pierre2122022-01-19
     re: NEW…BANKCOLLECTOR2022-01-20
     re: NEW…RubyRose2022-01-21
$100 Prefix GKL [X]Buizel102022-01-06
     re: $100 Prefix GKLBANKCOLLECTOR2022-01-07
     re: $100 Prefix GKLBuizel102022-01-07
     re: $100 Prefix GKLmovie-fan2022-01-07
     re: $100 Prefix GKLPooga2022-01-11
     re: $100 Prefix GKLmovie-fan2022-01-13
$100 2011 Prefix GKM - New Signatures [X]Buizel102021-12-23
     re: $100 2011 Prefix GKM - New SignaturesBuizel102021-12-23
new $5 prefix INF [X]pierre2122021-12-20
2nd request for Pooga [X]movie-fan2021-12-14
TOP USERS. --- # of notes entered [X]movie-fan2021-11-29
     re: TOP USERS. --- # of notes enteredBANKCOLLECTOR2021-11-30
2013 $5 Prefix - INH [X]Buizel102021-11-28
TRACKERS <<< [X]movie-fan2021-11-28
     re: TRACKERSmovie-fan2021-11-29
New $100 Prefixes to be added [X]movie-fan2021-11-17
     re: New $100 Prefixes to be addeddogman2021-11-19

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