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Date: 2022-01-14  
Author: movie-fan  
Subject: re: NEW…

The StazOn red I’m using is “Claret”. Takes a long time to dry and yes, it ‘blobs’ very easily. Gotta just “touch” the inkpad LIGHTLY!
Now, the blue I use is “Blue Hawaii” and it is atrocious! Blobs, smears and takes even longer to dry. Again, gotta barely touch the inkpad. Will be very happy when it starts to dry out…
The old black pads I have are “Jet Black”. When new, they smear very easily but the inkpad drys out quickly.

My wife 'laughs' 😂 at me when I'm stamping cause I got bills spread out everywhere (actually she dislikes it😉). She just lets me be!!

Don't know what we can do except hope they start to dry out a little.
Maybe another tracker can chime in with their thoughts?


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Subject * Author Date
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     re: Now a tracker!movie-fan2022-07-10
     re: Now a tracker!BANKCOLLECTOR2022-07-10
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     re: Prefixes Added!Buizel102022-06-01
     re: Prefixes Added!movie-fan2022-06-02
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