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Date: 2009-06-29  
Author: rudyk  
Subject: re: only 5?


You have now experienced what each and every one of us faced when we were newbies, so you will get lots of empathy (so... it s indeed, "fair" :) ). The number of entries on each day is based on your user level and since you have only just joined, you must start at the lowest number. Never fear -- you progress quickly and automatically through the levels in no time!

What others in your state have resorted to is marking the notes -- keeping a list of the serial numbers and entering them on subsequent days -- perhaps when you have NOT gone to the bank! (Yes, there is a SLIGHT chance that someone will find your released note and try to enter it and you might miss out on a "hit" but the chances are actually not as great as you might first think.) Bear in mind, also, that since we try to track the "normal" flow of money, the practice of withdrawing money, marking it and then depositing the money is not a "normal" flow (all of this is covered in the many good FAQs or guidelines on the site).

But welcome to the site -- you will find that all of us have been through what you are now doing so will find a lot of support.

-rudyk, site assistant


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Subject * Author Date
     re: entering billsBDKINGSTON2010-05-26
     re: entering billsCityscape2010-05-26
Confused? [X]dollars132010-05-20
     re: Confused?Cityscape2010-05-20
     re: Confused?BDKINGSTON2010-05-21
     re: Confused?dollars132010-05-21
     re: Confused?BDKINGSTON2010-05-21
     re: Confused?eroom292010-05-23
Hello everyone!!! [X]dollars132010-05-20
     re: Hello everyone!!!Cityscape2010-05-20
Just follow the crumbs [X]Selina-spends2010-03-20
     re: Just follow the crumbsPooga2010-03-20
     re: Just follow the crumbsraja the oes2010-03-21
     re: Just follow the crumbsSnowhite2010-03-22
     re: Just follow the crumbspawnman2010-03-01
Can't trust myself anymore [X]anabellaannna2010-02-01
OK now what? [X]Whazzup2010-01-25
     re: OK now what?BDKINGSTON2010-01-25
     re: OK now what?eroom292010-01-25
How Do You Record Your Bills?? [X]DaviscoJokes2010-01-21
     re: How Do You Record Your Bills??Pooga2010-01-22
User Level [X]DaviscoJokes2010-01-16
     re: User LevelCityscape2010-01-16
     re: User LevelBDKINGSTON2010-01-16
     re: User LevelKrisE2010-01-17

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