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Date: 2009-11-10  
Author: rudyk  
Subject: re: Hey Everyone

re: a geography shuffle

what we'd really need is a geographer in the mix here who might shed some illumination on this matter! :)

one of the things that attracted me to this site was the choice made by the site progenitor as to how he chose to subdivide the country and the nomenclature he chose to use. it was a refreshing change from the somewhat ill-formed view of the country that many are forced to endure in what passes for our grade school system. i suspect that you will find that few people born west of the Great Lakes will have any quibble as to this parceling out of names for the regions of Canada. BC and AB are clearly "western" in nature. SK and MB are, by virtue of their location at the longitudinal fulcrum of provinces, MOST properly termed "central" (time to check a map if you dispute this). ontario and quebec, given their position in the eastern portion of the continental mass, are correctly termed "eastern" while atlantic canada is that region in which that marine environment is ingrained in the cultural fabric and is both insular and peninsular in form. it is well to remember that "Labrador" is part and parcel of Newfoundland, certainly as it was termed when the forums were established. the only inaccuracy, as *I* see it is using the term "provinces" for the northern territories. all in all, it is an entirely appropriate description of the geography of Canada and one i heartily endorse! a "shuffle" is only necessary if one's perspective has been tainted by exposure to other biased perspectives. :)

welcome to both CMT and a new millennium perspective of Canada!


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