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Date: 2004-01-19
Author: dr
Subject: current issues


There are still a few wrinkles with the new version that I'm currently working on...

Here's the broken stuff that I know about:
- the current user page shows a different total than the small user box

Here's the stuff that was broken but is now fixed:
- the temporary text-size links (the 'A' characters in the upper-left) are now fixed
- issues with selecting forums to track are fixed
- marking forums as read is fixed
- the CMT score is works for all users on their user info page
- the general stats page now works, complete with graphs
- the forum unread message count is fixed for all users
- the site travels is fixed when viewing users with spaces in their username
- the anonymous email system problems are fixed (no longer need to select some CC's for it to work)
- the CMT score now matches between the user info box and the view user page
- the chat count now works
- the daily hit page shows up ad displays the proper hit count

Keep checking back to see what's un-broken. :)

[ message was edited on: 2004/01/28 ]

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Subject * Author Date
site downtime: Feb 28-Mar 2, 2009dr2009-02-25
version 2.4.4dr2007-11-12
version 2.4.3dr2007-05-07
forum reorganizationdr2007-03-14
version 2.4.2dr2007-03-13
version 2.4.1dr2007-01-15
version 2.4.0dr2006-12-18
version 2.3.3dr2006-06-19
privacy policydr2006-05-30
version 2.3.2dr2006-05-29
version 2.3.1dr2006-05-18
version 2.3.0dr2005-01-14
version 2.2.2dr2004-07-18
version 2.2.1dr2004-04-26
new $100 notedr2004-01-28
current issues <<<dr2004-01-19
version 2.2.0dr2004-01-18
version 2.1.10dr2003-07-21
version 2.1.9dr2003-07-13
version 2.1.8dr2003-07-07
version 2.1.7 has arriveddr2003-05-08
version 2.1.6 is outdr2003-04-08
version 2.1.5 deployeddr2003-03-28
new forum for media chit-chatdr2003-03-26
version 2.1.4 is deployeddr2003-03-18

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