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Date: 2011-10-23  
Author: Conk  
Subject: Arizona 2011-2012

Well we have made our annual trek to AZ again, 7th time. Left Canada on Oct. 17 and arrived in Yuma, AZ on the 20th. Still very hot here (dry heat) LOL. Every day has been upper 90'sF. Right now 2:45PM my thermometer is sitting bang on 100F (38C) I did not bring a lot of Canadian cash with me this winter, so if someone is trying to catch up to me in points this winter would be your chance. Hope everyone has a GREAT winter. Roger


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Subject Author * Date
Los Algodones MX [X]Conk2009-12-13
Out of Canadian notes [X]Conk2009-12-22
Back in Yuma,AZ [X]Conk2010-01-12
Yuma, AZ for the winter of 2010-2011 [X]Conk2010-10-18
re: Yuma, AZ for the winter of 2010-2011Conk2010-10-18
Happy US Thanksgiving [X]Conk2010-11-25
re: YumaConk2010-12-20
re: YumaConk2010-12-20
Arizona [X]Conk2011-01-07
Arizona 2011-2012 <<< [X]Conk2011-10-23
re: Arizona 2011-2012Conk2011-10-24
Arizona 2012-2013 [X]Conk2012-11-13
Arizona 2013-2014 [X]Conk2013-10-29
Arizona 2014-2015 [X]Conk2014-12-06
re: Arizona 2014-2015Conk2014-12-08
Costa Rica [X]Conk2015-03-01
re: Costa RicaConk2015-03-02
Travels [X]Conk2015-11-14
. [X]craigewalter2015-09-22
re: Arizona 2011-2012gouche922011-10-24
This Msg Deleted [X]komtangi2016-01-09
re: still nothingKrisE2009-11-07
re: Arizona 2014-2015movie-fan2014-12-08
re: Costa Ricamovie-fan2015-03-01
re: Travelsmovie-fan2015-11-14

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