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Date: 2011-11-21  
Author: Bill Collector  
Subject: StazOn Ink and Polymer Banknotes

I beg to differ regarding the destructiveness of the ink on the new Polymer Banknotes posted further down the forum by fordjae. See for yourself.

Partial view

The ink is specifically designed for plastic and slippery surfaces, mainly used for scrapbooking and such. If it were to wreck the material it was designed to be applied on or cause undue harm to the paper money, many of us would have stopped using it on the current lacquered Journey Banknotes a long time ago.

So far none of my paper notes or holders housing marked bills have been effected. Perhaps it might be a slight possibility over a very long period of time (longer than the bill's expected lifespan) and yes it's good to be cautious but I don't see a need to panic right now.

Our friends at Where's Willy are already marking these bills and have recorded the first hit on the new Polymer series which was marked using sharpies. A wooden handle stamp applied with even pressure on the back of the Banknote seems to work nicely, dries quick and doesn't come off easy. I recommend staying away from the front of the bill as much as possible as the portrait takes up most of it and the ink likely won't adhere to the intaglio printing very well.

[ message was edited on: 2011/12/01 ]


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