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Date: 2009-03-28
Author: Dellap
Subject: B.C. coffee chapter


Well, we did it!
FlashyJazzHands, Grassyknoll, Avrey, Gossomur & Dellap all met in Nanaimo Tim Hortons for coffee.
It was strange at first but all went well. It was werid asking a total stranger if he was FlashyJazzHands!?.
(We all agreed to wear a red shirt)
but soon after that all was fine.
We met in Nanaimo because it was sort of central, we all had to travel so that made it some fair?
So if there are more island BC'ers that want to join me all agreed to meet again
(just don't know when)
it took alot of private messaging to each other. So BANG~ON CMT'ers!

On a private note Dellap & Gossomur are seeing each other agian and Grassyknoll & FashyJazzHands are seeing each other as well.....sorry Avrey we gotta get you hooked up

[ message was edited on: 2009/03/28 ]

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Subject * Author Date
B.C. coffee chapter <<<Dellap2009-03-28
     re: B.C. coffee chapterPooga2009-03-28
     re: B.C. coffee chapteravrey2009-03-31
     re: B.C. coffee chapterswallows2009-04-01
Coffee MeetGossomur2009-02-25
     re: Coffee MeetDellap2009-02-26
     re: Coffee MeetFlashyJazzhands2009-03-01
Feb 15mesmerize2009-02-16
Public Assistance - Missing PersonJ-Lynn2009-01-26
Back in CanadaConk2008-12-19
     re: Back in CanadaCalamityJanet2008-12-21
     re: Back in CanadaConk2008-12-21
Coffee MeetCiaobella_052008-10-07
     re: Coffee MeetGRASSYKNOLL2008-10-09
Tim Hortons ConnectionHalfbreed2008-09-02
     re: maggiemaeantics2008-08-23
     re: TravelConk2008-05-23
     re: Travelmesmerize2008-05-28
Back in CanadaConk2008-04-07
     re: Back in CanadaSolracaceb2008-04-07
     re: CoffeeLord_Comedy2008-04-02

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