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Date: 2018-12-19  

One our most active members is leaving us and moving to warmer climate and hot sun. He is not just going for the winter , he and his wife are leaving Canada to spent their retirement in the warm and sunny Mexico. The papers are all signed and packing is taking place and as of Dec. 31 2018 our dear friend MOVIE FAN is starting the New Year in his new home. I have enjoyed my conversations with him and we have talked about many things other than money tracking. I for one am sad to see him leave us and will miss seeing his name on the logged in list. No longer will he be around to set me straight on things and take my constant ribbing. I must also confess that I applaud him for following his retirement dreams and wish I too was making the same move. So let us all say " UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN" Safe Travels and Happy Times.

[ message was edited on: 2018/12/19 ]


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Subject * Author Date
     re: CFL (SK Rider fans)MKADOLLAR2021-11-30
SNOW!!! [X]movie-fan2021-11-11
November 8th 2021 [X]movie-fan2021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021BDKINGSTON2021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021Buizel102021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021BDKINGSTON2021-11-08
October 31st & NO SNOW!! [X]movie-fan2021-10-31
As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH REPEATING! [X]movie-fan2021-08-08
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...BDKINGSTON2021-08-08
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...BANKCOLLECTOR2021-08-11
     re: As posted on the "other" forum.
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...redmax12021-08-17
     re: as posted on the "other" forum. worth...BANKCOLLECTOR2021-08-19
to all [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Onetobeseen2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Pooga2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-17
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Pooga2020-08-21
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-22
MasterRaistlin [X]Pooga2020-08-08
     re: MasterRaistlinBANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-08
     re: MasterRaistlinBDKINGSTON2020-08-09
redmax [X]Pooga2020-07-16
grito especial ! [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2020-05-22

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