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Date: 2003-12-10
Author: money_king_84
Subject: re: How about Qc?


"money_king_84, ton français est meilleur que celui de plusieurs francophones que je connais!!! :)"

Merci, mariehash! C'est un grand compliment pour moi parce que j'apprend le français depuis ma 4ième année d'école! Je trouve que j'ecris et je lire la langue plus facilement que je peux écouter aux autres parlant.

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Subject * Author Date
     re: How about Qc?mariehash2003-12-02
     re: How about Qc?Broccoli2003-12-03
     re: How about Qc?money_king_842003-12-04
     re: How about Qc?mariehash2003-12-04
     re: How about Qc?Broccoli2003-12-05
     re: How about Qc?J-Lynn2003-12-05
     re: How about Qc?Broccoli2003-12-09
     re: How about Qc?Broccoli2003-12-10
     re: How about Qc?J-Lynn2003-12-10
     re: How about Qc?antics2003-12-10
     re: How about Qc?J-Lynn2003-12-10
     re: How about Qc? <<<money_king_842003-12-10
     re: How about Qc?money_king_842003-12-10
     re: How about Qc?Broccoli2003-12-11
     re: How about Qc?J-Lynn2003-12-11
     re: How about Qc?Broccoli2003-12-12
     re: How about Qc?money_king_842003-12-12
Ontario Users?STORMCHASER772003-10-20
Ontario Users?momunhun2003-10-07
     re: Ontario Users?pappahunt2003-10-07
     re: Ontario Users?antics2003-10-07
     re: Ontario Users?momunhun2003-10-08
     re: Ontario Users?antics2003-10-08
     re: Ontario Users?Radar2003-10-11
     re: Ontario Users?money_king_842003-10-15

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