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The database contains 3,888,458 notes totalling $ 50,731,913.

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General FAQ

  1. What is this site all about?
  2. Who created and maintains this site and why?
  3. I registered but I can't log in. How come?
  4. I logged on but then after a while I had to log in again. Why?
  5. What are you going to do with all my personal information?
  6. What is anonymous email and how does it work?
  7. What is the user level?
  8. What is an Evangelist?
  9. What's 'Hit Heaven'?
  10. What's a profile?
  11. How do I change my username?
  12. What's 'the other site' or 'the dark site'?
  13. What hardware/software is running this website?

  1. What is this site all about?

    This site is all about Canadian money, and where across the country the money has been. When you enter in a note, the system saves all the information in our database. Then, if someone else comes along and enters that same note, a hit occurs and you will be able to see who else has had that particular note and even better, where the heck the note has been.

  2. Who created and maintains this site and why?

    This site was created by Douglas Robertson in early 1999 as a fun thing to do and to use as a cool example of dynamic stuff that can be done with Java Servlets. Now, Douglas adds new features and maintains the site because he loves programming and because he's fascinated with tracking money.

  3. I registered but I can't log in. How come?

    Make sure that you have cookies enabled in your browsers setup. The system uses a cookie to store your unique session id which, in turn, is used to retrieve all your information.

  4. I logged on but then after a while I had to log in again. Why?

    You login session times out after a certain period of inactivity. So if you log in, check some stuff out and then don't do anything on the site for a while, you'll have to log back in.

  5. What are you going to do with all my personal information?

    Absolutely nothing. You can read our privacy policy if you want. In a nutshell, we need you name and email for verification purposes and to email you any updates (if you asked for them). The other stuff we ask for during registration is just for fun, general statistics displays and is by no means mandatory or required information.

  6. What is anonymous email and how does it work?

    Anonymous email is a feature available to all registered users of It allows you to send email to other users, assuming they allow anonymous email, of the site, but without them knowing your email address. The user will know your username, but will not know your email address. So it's not anonymous in the sense that you don't know who sent the email, only that you can't see the user's email. This allows you to communicate to others without the fear of giving up your personal email address (if you are protective of it). In order to send another user anonymous email, they must have enabled the 'allow anonymous email' option in their preferences. Then, you view the user you wish to send email to and click on the link displayed on the user information screen.

  7. What is the user level?

    User level is a rating of you as a user within the CMT community. The more active you are, the higher your user level will be. Your user level also affects your daily note entry limit and gives you additional privileges. And before you ask what the user levels are, here is the complete list of user levels:

    • Newbie
    • Interested Newbie
    • Dedicated Newbie
    • Senior Newbie
    • Junior User
    • User
    • Regular User
    • Dedicated User
    • Senior User
    • Tracker
    • Regular Tracker
    • Dedicated Tracker
    • Senior Tracker
    • Master Tracker
    • Superior Tracker

  8. What is an Evangelist?

    A few users have made contributions to the site in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: finding bugs in new versions; offering advice to new users or visitors; or being very active on the site. The site administrator has acknowledged this activity by naming them 'evangelists'. Evangelists still have to meet the same criteria to reach user levels as any other user.

  9. What's 'Hit Heaven'?

    Sometimes hits for notes are deleted from the database because of double entries or other reasons. Records of hits that are deleted for any reason are sent to 'Hit Heaven'. Although they are no longer part of the regular database, and don't count towards a member's CMT score, each member can view their notes for future reference.

  10. What's a profile?

    Each user on the site has a 'profile'. This is created when a person first registers on the site. Sometimes people are a little shy at first and don't include a lot of information. After a while some people add more information. Profiles are helpful when you find a note that has the website written on it because you can see what that person's all about. It adds another dimension to tracking notes. Some users put a lot of effort into their profiles and are very interesting reading!

  11. How do I change my username?

    Once you've registered with the site, you must contact the site administrator in order to change your username. Before you do that however, make sure you go to the search users page and ensure that the new username you want is not already taken.

  12. What do people mean when they refer to 'the other site'?

    There are (perish the thought) other money tracking sites out there. Since we think ours is the best, we sometimes euphemistically refer to others this way. Don't worry though, it's all in good fun. Many CMT users visit the other sites because it's fun to see how other site operate, to get new ideas for stamping notes, or just to read comments in the forums.

  13. What hardware/software is running this website? currently resides on a Pentium IV 3.2 GHz server with 1GB RAM and a 30GB RAID hard drive system running Gentoo Linux. Apache serves up the web pages and Apache's Tomcat runs our Java servlets. The servlets grab all the data from PostgreSQL, which is running on the same machine.

Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is copyright © 1999-2024  Ensure you agree to the terms of use and the general code of conduct before using this site. If you have questions about privacy, read the fine print. The help and FAQ should be useful if you're new. For all other questions, contact us.