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The database contains 3,909,635 notes totalling $ 50,993,518.

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Site Guidelines and Code of Conduct

    These guidelines, although similar in nature to a legal document, weren't drafted by a lawyer. Mostly they were "borrowed" from various other code of conduct documents, and are only meant to give you an idea of the broad way things work around here. The overall guideline to the code of conduct is to play nice, make suggestions to make things on the site better and to accept things the way they end up.

    Canadian Money Tracker ("CMT") owns this site. It's your site, but we own it. All information, including but not limited to text, images, statistics is copyright and owned by us. Pretty much everything is ours, except the personal information you entered directly and indirectly. That personal stuff is still yours.

    How you acquire notes to enter into CMT is entirely up to you. You can, for example, simply enter any notes that come into your possession thoughtout the course of your every day activities, such as buying lunch or renting a movie. You can also go to the bank and take out as much money as you like (from your own bank account), enter those notes and then use them to purchase items. You are HIGHLY discouraged from taking money out, entering it, and then re-depositing the money back into the bank. The bank will probably look at this as suspicious activity and in the end it will probably end up hurting you and the rest of the users at the site. You can also collect notes from your friends and family and enter those notes as well, so long as when you return the money, your friends and family don't turn around and enter those same notes. If you're unsure, send us an email and we can clarify for you.

    If you want to get more hits, the best thing to do is to mark your notes with the website. It is not illegal to mark your notes, but we do not actively encourage you to deface your notes (we're just protecting ourselves). But if you are going to mark your money, we encourage you to do it tastefully. Why? First and foremost, this is Canadian money and as such you should try to keep it looking as nice as possible. Second, money that is not marked tastefully is more likely to be removed from circulation, especially if some of the security features have been marked over. Third, marking done distastefully can end up bringing discredit to CMT. If you want to see examples of how other users mark their money, check out the notes scans page. If in doubt about your marking style, please ask around on the forum or check with the site administrators.

    Start by noting that more users doesn't mean more hits. At CMT we prefer the controlled site growth that we have experienced since the beginning. For that reason, we do not go out of our way to get publicity for the site and we encourage you to do the same. With a slow, controlled growth we tend to get users who want to be here and who have a genuine interest in tracking money. If you want to email your friends about the site, that is okay but please refrain from trying to do a mass publication to people you don't know or who don't want to receive your emails. All that does reflect pooly on the CMT site and our community. And as mentioned, we want people here who want to be part of our community.

    The idea behind CMT is to track notes as they circulate throughout the country (and perhaps even the world). That means that after you've entered a note into the system, you should spend the money as you would normally. You should not pass the note to friends or family so that they may enter the note also. That just doesn't make any sense in terms of the purpose of this site. That said, such activities done on purpose may result in the loss of the hit, the loss of all your hits or even banishment from the site. To avoid any administrative measures simply spend your money in a normal fashion as you would have before you discovered this site.

    CMT retains the right on the final say of any note hits generated on the site. Any hits that seem suspicious can be ruled invalid, and the user may face banishment from the site. Remember, this site is all about tracking money and as such, we want to do that as legitimately as possible.

    If you plan to use the forums, you must agree to follow the forum code of conduct. We reserve the right to edit or remove any forum content that is determined to be harmful or offensive or not in the best interest of the community in general. Failure to follow the rules can result in the loss of your forum privileges or being expelled from the site altogether.

    Finally, we reserve the right to banish users who abuse the CMT website. By abuse we mean such things as, but not limited to, entering in fake notes, creating fake hits or improper conduct within the forums. Such activities ruin the fun for the rest of us, and will be taken quite seriously.

Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is copyright © 1999-2024  Ensure you agree to the terms of use and the general code of conduct before using this site. If you have questions about privacy, read the fine print. The help and FAQ should be useful if you're new. For all other questions, contact us.