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Date: 2008-12-19
Author: EdwardTO
Subject: Can hardly wait..


Hi everyone, me again, Ed in Toronto. I'm hoping that my limit will be raised this Saturday. I've been writing down all of my serial numbers, note conditions, and where I received/used them, since I hit my 'Newbie' limit (very quickly) a few days ago. I've been marking my bills by writing 'Track this note at...' I may have to get a stamp, as suggested elsewhere in the forum. The first note I saw that had the website on it a few years ago (the first time I joined) had been stamped. Anyway, I've got another 13 bills to record, so just waiting for Saturday! About 20 cm of snow here today in a matter of hours. All the offices closed around 1pm. Hope you are all well (I have a cold).

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Subject * Author Date
     re: hiraja the oes2009-01-12
     re: himeangene792009-01-12
     re: hiOnetobeseen2009-01-12
Hey everyoneSLSSparky2009-01-10
     re: Hey everyoneCityscape2009-01-10
     re: Hey everyoneavrey2009-01-10
     re: Hey everyoneraja the oes2009-01-10
     re: Hey everyoneantics2009-01-11
     re: Hey everyoneraja the oes2009-01-12
back againColinCMR2009-01-09
     re: back againPooga2009-01-09
     re: back againOnetobeseen2009-01-09
     re: back againDellap2009-01-09
just saying hidr.laura2008-12-20
     re: just saying hiPooga2008-12-20
     re: just saying hiraja the oes2008-12-20
     re: just saying hiGossomur2008-12-21
     re: just saying himeangene792008-12-21
     re: just saying hijefcon2008-12-21
     re: just saying hiantics2008-12-21
Can hardly wait.. <<<EdwardTO2008-12-19
     re: Can hardly wait..Cityscape2008-12-19
     re: Can hardly wait..EdwardTO2008-12-20
     re: Can hardly wait..Pooga2008-12-20
     re: Can hardly wait..EdwardTO2008-12-20

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