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Date: 2008-06-21
Author: Sarge
Subject: Tragedy Comes to a Canadian Icon


A great thing has come to an end(?)

Kraft has changed the decades familiar Kraft Dinner...and it is not an is bad. If you are one who normally buys it in quantity, don't waste your money on it until you've tried a single box of the new 'cheesier' version. It is GARBAGE! They must have put in a low quality cheese or something. It is now like one of the cheap NoName or in-store brands.

There are even several 'I hate the new Kraft Dinner' sites showing up on Facebook; and at the Kraft Canada site, 95% of the comments about it are negative, with many comparing this to the 'New Coke' fiasco.

Kraft site You have to login to add a comment.

A Facebook site one of the larger 'hate it' pages.

If you feel as strong about this as I do, get the word out to people not to waste their money on this new stuff - let them know they can complain.

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     re: DIESELBANKCOLLECTOR2008-06-29
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Tragedy Comes to a Canadian Icon <<<Sarge2008-06-21
     re: Tragedy Comes to a Canadian IconOnetobeseen2008-06-21
     re: Tragedy Comes to a Canadian Iconjefcon2008-06-22
     re: Tragedy Comes to a Canadian IconSarge2008-06-22
     re: Tragedy Comes to a Canadian IconLord_Comedy2008-06-22
     re: Tragedy Comes to a Canadian Iconrudyk2008-06-22
     re: Tragedy Comes to a Canadian Iconmesmerize2008-06-22
     re: tragedy comes to a canadian iconBANKCOLLECTOR2008-06-22
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     re: varmint shootinBDKINGSTON2008-06-12
     re: varmint shootinSuzuki2008-06-12
     re: varmint shootinSarge2008-06-12
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     re: varmint shootinOnetobeseen2008-06-13
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