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Date: 2003-05-08
Author: Bill Collector
Subject: re: who the heck is willy??


Willy is short for Wilfrid Laurier, the Prime Minister on our current $5 bill. To answer your other question, NO, you do not have to pay to join!! Hank gladly accepts donations to cover costs, but it's strickly voluntary. However I'm not sure if the same applies to CMT. I would suggest reading the FAQ's and entering the bill there before spending it. I'm sure the person who marked it would appreciate a hit!!

Without going into a debate, I would say that both sites have their pros and cons. This is my first post here, and I only registered, so I could answer your questions. Maybe someday when I'm bored with Willy, I'll enter some bills here! In the mean time here's a link to my profile:

I have on occasion received a few bills form CMT and Sarge found one of mine not too long ago. My understanding is that the majority of users will treat your bill the way they want theirs treated. Personally, I don't see the point in marking more than one site on the bill and confusing the next person finding it. Just ask Stormchaser77 how his two-timing bill is doing. I added WW and it hasn't been seen or heard from since!!

By the way, if anyone watches 'Much on Demand'(Much Music), that was my bill that Jenn found and hit last week!!

Take care and have fun EMSing your bills!!

[ message was edited on: 2003/05/08 ]

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