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Date: 2004-05-09
Author: Bill Collector
Subject: Where did the time go?


Thanks MoJo, I hadn't even noticed the Anniversary!! I reside in what is commonly called the Golden Triangle, or specifically K-W. Check out my Where's Willy profile for all the juicy $$ tracking history of mine. Sarge was one of the first CMT people to hit a bill of mine, although it was marked with WW.

I was rewarded yesterday with a hit on a $20 that had a 2 day turn around. I don't recall ever getting a faster hit (here or at WW) from a bill that made it to the bank and came out of an ATM!


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Subject * Author Date
     Where did the time go? <<<Bill Collector2004-05-09
     re: Where did the time go?MoJo Manson2004-05-10
Ontario Teamteepeejay2004-03-01
     re: Ontario TeamBDKINGSTON2004-03-02
     re: Ontario TeamLord_Comedy2004-03-02
     re: Ontario Teamkayfbee2004-03-02
     re: Ontario TeamLord_Comedy2004-03-02
     re: Ontario TeamMusquash2004-03-02
     re: Ontario Team FOLLOW_UPteepeejay2004-03-02
     re: Ontario Team FOLLOW_UPmoney_king_842004-04-04
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     re: Ontario Team FOLLOW_UPmoney_king_842004-04-09
Ontario TeamMusquash2004-02-29
     re: TorontoLord_Comedy2004-02-28
     re: TorontoMusquash2004-02-29
     re: TorontoLord_Comedy2004-02-29
     re: Torontoteepeejay2004-03-01
Hello OntarioBANKCOLLECTOR2004-02-08
     re: Does Canada end at Quebec?Otaku2004-02-08
     re: Does Canada end at Quebec?BANKCOLLECTOR2004-02-25
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     re: How about Qc?J-Lynn2003-11-21
     re: How about Qc?money_king_842003-11-25
     re: How about Qc?Broccoli2003-11-27

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