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View Forum [Provinces: East]

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Date: 2004-02-25
Subject: re: Does Canada end at Quebec?


Otaku yes the East Coast is wonderful I have two Brother in Laws and now my Mother in Law (yes!) living in Nova Scotia and from what I have seen on trips and been told at family gatherings it is a very nice place with lots of scenery that will take your breath away. It just seems that in here most of forum messages come from the west as you can see the East Coast forum is seldom used in fact the last two entries were from (me) a westerner (Ontario transplant).
I love to read the messages and just wish our Eastern Members would use their forum more. We westewrners are a friendly bunch and will talk to anyone and I for one being an Ontario Transplant. I would love to see more chatter in this forum also. I moved from Ontario in the late 70's but still love to hear about things in TO and area. Come on Ontarians lets see some input on your forum. Any one from Peterborough Ont. out there?

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     re: TorontoLord_Comedy2004-02-29
     re: Torontoteepeejay2004-03-01
Hello OntarioBANKCOLLECTOR2004-02-08
     re: Does Canada end at Quebec?Otaku2004-02-08
     re: Does Canada end at Quebec? <<<BANKCOLLECTOR2004-02-25
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