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Date: 2022-08-26  
Subject: re: Promotion Request

Your point has merit. However only one person holds the key to promotions it seems. If it is computer generated then the program needs some upgrades. I have been a member for 15 years and would love a promotion which is long overdue in my opinion.
From the site when you enter your limit for the day :

Entry Limit Reached

Sorry, but your daily note entry limit has been reached.

This site is all about having fun. In order to ensure that the fun continues as the site grows, we implemented measures to keep the time spent on maintenance to a minimum. To help do this, the site has a daily entry limit, designed to help keep fake hits and entries to a minimum. At first, this may seem a bit unfair, but if you are one of the 98% of people who have fun entering their notes, your limit will increase in no time; we promise.

To have your daily limit increased, the following criteria are considered:

how long you have been a user for?
have you entered some notes recently?
are you an active participant at the site?
If you don't meet the 'requirements' there is no need to get worked up; just hang in there. User entry limits increase when your user level increases, which are done every Saturday morning (assuming you meet the requirements for the next level). And feel free to post your questions about entry limits in the forums; there are lots of regular users willing to help

Okay so I think I have reached the requirements so where is the Promotion as Promised! In 15 years entering my limit often and reading the forums and the news letter and entering the odd comment in a thread when I think it is required,

[ message was edited on: 2022/08/28 ]


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