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Date: 2021-10-02  
Author: movie-fan  
Subject: re: Promotions unfair ? BANKCOLLECTOR

I'll add my 2 cents worth after finally getting a promotion to SUPERIOR TRACKER., which I feel was long overdue.
I have worked hard to enter my daily limits consistently, before moving down to Mexico, where I still entered notes but a whole lot less. At one time (when BANKCOLLECTOR stepped back, I was actually the leader in the number of notes entered, for some time. I wore his crown with pride. But when the time came, he took back his crown and has far surpassed me.

While I support those that deserve a promotion, as all things should be fair and equal (so I believe), I have to say that it's just not how many years you've been a member. How many notes do you enter? Do you regularly fill your daily quota?
There are many factors. I hounded poor Pooga for a long time about receiving my overdue and long-awaited promotion, but his hands were tied as it was DR who had the controls to update the site.
Yes, the website needs a complete refreshing and overhaul, but until DR actually does so, we remain with what we have.
At least we are still up and running! At one time I was waiting for the site to shut down as the upkeep had severely fallen.
Pooga tries his best to do what he can (so I believe), but until the "power" is given to him and he holds the keys, he is limited.

one way to prove your point is to enter as many notes as you can, to the maximum that you're allowed. And try to do it daily. Yes, it's hard, but it can be done.


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