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Date: 2005-03-13
Author: Lord_Comedy
Subject: re: Nothern Lights


well you can just write on the bills until you get a stamp
the benefits of a stamp are it is much neater & it is much faster.
to get a stamp made you can look in the yellow pages under rubber stamps. there are probably shops that make rubber stamps.. or else you can go to office depot or a place simular.
we also have a user in saskatoon who makes stamps, but i would guess shipping & handleing alone would pay for a stamp.

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Subject * Author Date
Nunavut --> No longer lastkaivavik2007-11-07
     re: Nunavut --> No longer lastantics2007-11-07
Shout out from Nunavutkaivavik2007-10-01
     re: Shout out from Nunavutmesmerize2007-10-01
     re: Shout out from NunavutBDKINGSTON2007-10-01
     re: Shout out from Nunavutantics2007-10-01
     re: greetingsPooga2007-01-24
from OntDEISEL2006-09-26
northern lightsForesite2005-10-31
     re: northern lightsantics2005-11-01
OH POOGA!!!antics2005-03-14
     re: OH POOGA!!!kayfbee2005-03-14
     re: OH POOGA!!!Greg1000curren112005-03-14
Nothern LightsGreg1000curren112005-03-11
     re: Nothern LightsPooga2005-03-12
     re: Nothern LightsOtaku2005-03-12
     re: Nothern LightsLord_Comedy2005-03-12
     re: Nothern LightsGreg1000curren112005-03-13
     re: Nothern LightsLord_Comedy2005-03-13
     re: Nothern LightsGreg1000curren112005-03-13
     re: Nothern Lights <<<Lord_Comedy2005-03-13
     re: Nothern LightsGreg1000curren112005-03-13
     re: Nothern LightsLord_Comedy2005-03-13
     re: Nothern LightsGreg1000curren112005-03-14

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