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Date: 2008-03-07
Author: Trysten
Subject: Hi from a new kid


Hello, my name is Trysten and I am 9 years old. My dad gave me a $5 that had this site stamped on it and I checked it out. Now I am going to put any money I can get into this site and see where it goes.

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Subject * Author Date
     re: Newly printed memberraja the oes2008-03-27
     re: Newly printed memberOnetobeseen2008-03-27
     re: Newly printed memberDr.JD Fever2008-03-27
     re: Newly printed memberPooga2008-03-27
     re: Newly printed memberBDKINGSTON2008-03-28
     re: Newly printed memberwally69me2008-03-28
     re: Newly printed memberKordi2008-03-29
     re: Newly printed membersouljaboy2008-03-30
     re: Newly printed memberSnowhite2008-03-30
     re: Newly printed memberjefcon2008-03-30
QuébecMike V.2008-03-11
     re: Québecrudyk2008-03-11
     re: Québecwally69me2008-03-11
     re: Québeczachy2008-03-11
     re: Québeczachy2008-03-11
     re: Québecsc1012008-03-11
     re: Québecantics2008-03-12
     re: Québecsouljaboy2008-03-12
     re: Québecswallows2008-03-12
     re: QuébecSnowhite2008-03-12
     re: QuébecMike V.2008-03-17
     re: Québeczachy2008-03-17
Hi from a new kid <<<Trysten2008-03-07
     re: Hi from a new kidDr.JD Fever2008-03-07
     re: Hi from a new kidraja the oes2008-03-07

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