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Date: 2010-09-11  
Author: Pooga  
Subject: re: How many hits, how often?

Check the 'stats' section for the most of the numbers that you are seeking. As of right now, it takes 12.36699 notes to generate 1 hit.

Look at other people's hits and you will see a wide variance in time between hits. Your 1900 day 'sleeper' is a long one, but not good enough to make the 'longest life' list.

As far as how long it takes to get a hit, well that depends on how many notes you mark, and where you are. I've seen people get a hit in their first week here. I've also seen people go a year before they got one!

Patience 'mutant' Grasshopper!


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     re: Stamps for newbiesPooga2010-11-20
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     re: Deleting Account/Unsubscribingjvickers2010-11-16
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     re: Get Stamping!Cityscape2010-11-10
     re: Get Stamping!fordjae2010-11-10
     re: Get Stamping!BDKINGSTON2010-11-11
How many hits, how often? [X]atomicmutant2010-09-11
     re: How many hits, how often? <<<Pooga2010-09-11
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