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Date: 2009-11-01  
Author: Cityscape  
Subject: November hit guess FINAL List

November hit guesses;
-People get to guess up until midnight on the 7th,I think we shoud use UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) as the site is runnig on it. This is about 16:00 on the west coast, so get your guess in on time.
-One guess per person.
-No repeat of guesses already taken.
-If its a tie, the closest without guessing over the amount of hits wins.
-Winners will be anounced on the 7th of next month, on the Congratulations forum.

511 antics
580 jknoke
591 Gossomur
600 Nineinchescut
601 Onetobeseen
606 KrisE
610 Snowhite
612 JaketheDrifter
615 swallows
622 wally69me
629 Sweetie
634 raja the oes
638 Cityscape
645 captain super smooth
650 jefcon
654 Pooga
666 2GQ4U
675 Dellap
676 souljaboy
678 Dougers
679 sc101
695 FlashyJazzhands
699 avrey
700 zachy
707 Dr.JD Fever
722 crazz
740 pookiekins
748 Suzuki

[ message was edited on: 2009/11/07 ]


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Subject * Author Date
     re: November-GossomurBDKINGSTON2009-11-02
     re: November-souljaboyCityscape2009-11-02
     re: November-guesses....748Suzuki2009-11-02
     re: November-guesses--678Dougers2009-11-03
     re: November-guesses--679sc1012009-11-03
     re: November-guesses....654Pooga2009-11-04
     re: November-guesses....601Onetobeseen2009-11-04
     re: November-guesses....650jefcon2009-11-05
     re: November-guesses....511antics2009-11-06
     re: November-guesses....740pookiekins2009-11-06
November hit guess FINAL List <<< [X]Cityscape2009-11-01
free stamps for new members [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2009-11-20
December hit guess-590 [X]BDKINGSTON2009-12-01
     re: December hit guess-562jknoke2009-12-01
     re: December hit guess-512pawnman2009-12-01
     re: December hit guess-567Dr.JD Fever2009-12-01
     re: December hit guess-555Dellap2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-600Khonnelliegh2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-615Sweetie2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-585wally69me2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-608Cityscape2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-748Suzuki2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-575swallows2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-6052GQ4U2009-12-02
     re: December hit guess-590darrik2009-12-02

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