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Date: 2016-12-14  
Subject: DECEMBER 20TH. 2003

On December 20 2016 I will have been on this site for 13 years WOW seems like only yesterday that I talked with Idgit about this site and what it was all about as he stood at his gas bar handing out marked bills. To think how times have changed and remembering the great suppers we had. Gone are the days of supper meetings and coffee meeting and good times with some of the Saskatoon Trackers. I am still friends with a few of the old guard who still try and help there fellow trackers. Some of these relationships have stood the test of time while others have faded into the sunset. So now I am going to say this in a few short words as some of you know I can be long winded. I have recently been in a race with another member for the number one spot on the site. His constant daily entries and my lack of entries for awhile resulted in him taking the lead on this site and while I have been gaining on him I am finding the work involved is just not worth it. He fought a steady race and surpassed my high limit mark and is still running strong. As I now stop to rest and gather my thoughts and allow my eyes to heal I will say GO FOR IT MOVIE I will now slow back down to a much slower pace as running to banks for an endless supply of new notes has taken a toll on me (and the pocket book) rotating cash would be fine if there was not any fallout ... it seems when a member of this household has easy access to cash that she has the ability to spend all that she can. However that is a long story for another place and time. I suspect with my slow down on entries w0ill res0ult 0in Mov0ie being able to slow down a bit. Over the last few months my travels to banks and other locations rotating cash has drawn more then a few raised eyebrows so a step back will save me many hours a week and those rolling eyes as the tellers see me approaching. Good Luck to all my fellow trackers Please keep in touch and maybe invite me for coffee when you have the next meeting. I will still be around I just won't be playing the game as hard and often. Rudyk I will be in Regina in Jan. maybe we can meet. What are the visiting hours where you are?


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Subject * Author Date
     re: New $20 prefixBDKINGSTON2017-03-12
New $100 Prefix [X]bigelk2017-01-03
     re: MERRY CHRISTMASmovie-fan2016-12-25
Admin [X]bigelk2016-12-18
     re: AdminBANKCOLLECTOR2016-12-18
DECEMBER 20TH. 2003 <<< [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2016-12-14
     re: DECEMBER 20TH. 2003movie-fan2016-12-14
Carrying Money [X]bigelk2016-11-30
     re: Carrying MoneyCityscape2016-12-01
     re: Carrying Moneymovie-fan2016-12-02
     re: Carrying Moneyrudyk2016-12-02
     re: Carrying MoneyBANKCOLLECTOR2016-12-03
     re: Carrying Moneyrudyk2016-12-06
     re: Carrying MoneyBANKCOLLECTOR2016-12-06
     re: Carrying MoneyPooga2016-12-06
     re: Carrying Moneymovie-fan2016-12-07
     re: Carrying MoneyBANKCOLLECTOR2016-12-08
     re: Carrying Moneymovie-fan2016-12-08
     re: Carrying MoneyBANKCOLLECTOR2016-12-08
     re: Carrying MoneyCityscape2016-12-10
     re: Carrying MoneyBANKCOLLECTOR2016-12-10
     re: Carrying MoneyCityscape2016-12-11
     re: Carrying MoneyBDKINGSTON2016-12-11
     re: Carrying Moneybigelk2016-12-12

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