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Date: 2019-12-28  
Subject: re: Marked money deposits

Your question is two fold and depends on many items. The bank teller puts it in the return damaged pile and that must be checked by the bank manager (unless they are slack at their job and just rubber stamp the return. The bank has to return this money through their normal courier and will wait for the amount to grow large enough to ship. Once the courier company receives the shipment it is opened and counted to confirm amo0unt. At this point if bills are deemed to be good they may re enter the money flow. If the bills are forwarded to the Bank of Canada for removal from circulation and they deem it is in good shape it will be returned to circulation, if too bad it will be destroyed. So in closing your bank Manager may talk to the teller(s) and return it into the money flow and you will see it back in a town near you or it may end up in recovery where ink stains can be removed in an ISO bath. In stains can happen from bank teller stamps, ink spills in work places, or money tracking sites all three of these ink stain cases and many others (kids with sharpies). All these can be cleaned up with an ISO bath. We can only send out our bills and hope they may survive. I try to enter them into the retail stream and avoid banks with my stamped money. Costco girl was very happy to take my $750.00 bill all in fives. She did do a money drop after my transaction and did call for a supervisor as they normally do for large cash purposes. Shoppers cashier bought $200.00 in fives from me and was thrilled to get them as store was very short of them (poor planning) I am in a flea market next week and will set many bills free on that day. Personally I never stamp fifties or hundreds as I used them to buy fives. Safeway also loves my fives as they never seem to have enough. Sorry for the long rant Wally but hope it helped.


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     re: Marked money depositsPooga2019-12-31
     re: Marked money depositsBANKCOLLECTOR2019-12-31
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