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Date: 2009-08-19  
Author: mesmerize  
Subject: To BC, Re: Womens' vs. mens' chores

The only male chore my mom did was to share the work in the vegetable garden and fruit patch. My dad, on the other hand, would share in washing dishes, doing the laundry (with a wringer washer, a rinse tub & a clothesline), and he was the ONLY one to make bread and buns (my mom and yeast doughs did not mix).

For seven years, we lived in houses where wood had to be cut for the woodstove (for cooking and heating). One year we had to carry water from the pump we shared with our next door neighbour. And let's not forget that outside "plumbing" was all that was available those years.

By the way, he was 55 and she was 26 when they were married in 1958, and they only had my brother and me.


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