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Date: 2023-07-31  
Subject: re: Stand up and be counted!

Finally something worth a reply. I agree with the items in this thread and am please to reply to Cityscape comments.
It's called community.
Lots of things can be done on the forums.
Buying and selling Radars. Have a buyer for them already.
Reporting new prefixes. No reply required Pooga handles that.
Birthday and other personal wishes. Yes these deserve a reply.

We even used to have arguments! BC vs RUDYK They caused havoc with their arguments and Pooga's dressing down of the subject still remains on the Admin. Forum.

Funny fact when Rudyk left the site BC and Rudyk (MC) became friends after finding common ground.

As for real prizes for the contest that might break some laws so need to gather interest another way. Nov. & Dec. of last year you had double digit entry numbers find out what you did to rally the mases and do it again.
The site was set up so you get promoted for participating.
The Forums are just a part of the criteria.
In closing the teams were shut down the forums are very quiet so keep the forums active and people will reply. Dust off the old apple case / soap box and sound off.


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Subject * Author Date
     re: Stand up and e counted!Cityscape2023-07-31
     re: Stand up and be counted! <<<MKADOLLAR2023-07-31
     re: Stand up and be counted!JamesBond0072023-07-31
     re: stand up and be counted!BANKCOLLECTOR2023-07-31
     re: stand up and be counted!BBOOP12023-07-31
     re: Stand up and e counted!dogman2023-07-31
     re: Stand up and be counted!Firestick2023-08-01
     re: stand up and be counteMMSURPLUS2023-08-01
     re: stand up and be countedBLACKDIAMOND2023-08-01
     re: stand up and be counted!seal hunter2023-08-01
     re: stand up and be counted!Pooga2023-08-03
     re: stand up and be counted! REPLY TO POOGABANKCOLLECTOR2023-08-04
     re: stand up and be counted! REPLY TO POOGAmovie-fan2023-08-06
     re: stand up and be counted! REPLY TO POOGAOnetobeseen2023-08-06
     re: PLEAD MY CASEMKADOLLAR2023-07-30
     re: PLEAD MY CASEBDKINGSTON2023-07-30
     re: PLEAD MY CASEseal hunter2023-08-01
     re: PLEAD MY CASEPooga2023-08-03
where's movie fan ? [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2023-07-03
     re: Where's MOVIE FAN ?BDKINGSTON2023-07-03
     re: Where's MOVIE FAN ?BBOOP12023-07-03
     re: Where's MOVIE FAN ?BDKINGSTON2023-07-03
     re: Where's MOVIE FAN ?movie-fan2023-07-05
MAY I PLEASE BE PROMOTED ? [X]dogman2023-06-10

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