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Date: 2011-01-07  
Author: Conk  
Subject: Arizona

We returned back to Yuma on the evening of Jan 5 after spending a week in Calgary. Celebrated New Years on January 1st with our whole family present at our daughter and son-in-laws newly purchased home. A GREAT time was had by all. I only brought back a small amount of Canadian cash with me this time so will only be checking in once in a while till we get back to Canada the first week in April.
A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 2011 TO ALL Canadain Money Trackers


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Subject * Author Date
     re: Arizona 2011-2012Conk2011-10-24
Arizona <<< [X]Conk2011-01-07
Yuma [X]Pooga2010-12-16
     re: YumaConk2010-12-20
     re: YumaConk2010-12-20
Happy US Thanksgiving [X]Conk2010-11-25
Yuma, AZ for the winter of 2010-2011 [X]Conk2010-10-18
     re: Yuma, AZ for the winter of 2010-2011Pooga2010-10-18
     re: Yuma, AZ for the winter of 2010-2011Conk2010-10-18
Back in Yuma,AZ [X]Conk2010-01-12
Out of Canadian notes [X]Conk2009-12-22
Los Algodones MX [X]Conk2009-12-13
found 1 [X]chilli2009-11-28
still nothing [X]pookiekins2009-11-06
     re: still nothingKrisE2009-11-07
     re: still nothingavrey2009-11-07
Taveled South [X]Conk2009-10-06
     re: Taveled SouthBDKINGSTON2009-10-06
     re: Taveled SouthCityscape2009-10-07
nothing yet [X]pookiekins2009-08-04

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