Message |
Date: |
2021-05-01 |
Author: |
movie-fan |
Subject: |
Purchase of CDN Cash ($50 notes) |
Today I went to the bank here in Mexico to purchase some Canadian cash in preparation for a return trip to Canada (should Covid restrictions change).
Low & Behold, as I walked up to the teller, the armoured guards had just delivered their money. I noticed a new bundle of $50 notes, so I bought the entire bundle to the amazement of the tellers & guards. Cost me $82370.00 Mexican Pesos.
A score for me! I now have lots of Canadian cash and will also be used to exchange with fellow Canadians (for Mexican pesos) who are visiting and will be returning to Canada. It's always good to have Canadian funds on hand upon arrival.
So, eventually, these notes will be finding their way back into Canada. It'll be interesting to see if any comments get entered on the website with their locations.
2nd score for me is I get to continue to add notes into the database and help keep my account active.
So, it's a win-win situation.