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Date: 2002-04-09
Subject: re: Come and Visit Vancouver Island


Not quite print their own money, but use what human resources they already have. The way they see it, money is so impersonal, a dollar dropped is now someone else's dollar. The 'money' they use is a means to an end. They do use cash because eventually taxes must be paid. One example, say you took your car to the garage and it would cost $500 to repair it. You don't have $500, but you have some of it, say $300, and you are willing to put your skills to good use and maybe knit sweaters, do yardwork, make kitchen cabinets, do some book keeping, whatever you can do that is of value to pay the bill. Records are kept, money tracking could be used on the Canadian currency, but I don't think it would be a priority to them.

I saw this on the CBC the other day. In Courtney BC because there is such a high unemployment rate, 25%, they had to rethink their local economy. Its quite ideal, that's what I love about BC, always ready to try something different. Now if they would only put washrooms on the Skytrain.

Here's a couple of links:

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Subject * Author Date
     re: MessagesPooga2002-03-19
     re: MessagesJADE112002-03-19
     re: MessagesHOGGS2002-03-19
     re: Messagesdr2002-03-19
     re: Messagescbrkeir2002-03-19
Come and Visit Vancouver Islandkaiser2002-04-02
     re: COme and Visit Vancouver IslandMmmBeer2002-04-02
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Islandkaiser2002-04-02
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver IslandSarge2002-04-02
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver IslandHOGGS2002-04-02
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver IslandIdjit2002-04-02
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Islandkaiser2002-04-03
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Islandkaiser2002-04-03
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Island <<<ANGLOFROG2002-04-09
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Islandkaiser2002-04-09
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver IslandANGLOFROG2002-04-09
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Islandkaiser2002-04-09
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Islandcashier2002-04-21
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver IslandRed Rider2002-08-10
     re: Come and Visit Vancouver Islandwes_bos2002-08-10
Is anybody from BC up at this hour?ANGLOFROG2002-04-08
     re: Is anybody from BC up at this hour?Pooga2002-04-09
     re: Is anybody from BC up at this hour?ANGLOFROG2002-04-09
     re: Digital CablePooga2002-04-09

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