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Date: 2002-12-18
Author: 21MillionDollarBaby
Subject: Thank you to all ALBERTA users who...


have edited their profiles so their location is visible.
Alberta is looking much more accounted for.
I know you're out there...
Keep marking and tracking and the victory shall be ours!!!

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Subject Author * Date
re: ALBERTA TEAM?21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-05
ROLL CALL! Albertans, where are you???21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-05
REMINDER TO EVERYBODY - ESP ALBERTA!!21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-11
Looking for newbie HOBBOLONG from today! 21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-11
hi girlfriend! 21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-24
Edmonton: City of Champions!!21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-28
I am almost finished my Alberta list.21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-02
How did I manage to do WHAT?21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-08
I haven't exceeded the 21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-09
Alberta people...where ARE you????21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-14
Thank you to all ALBERTA users who... <<<21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-18
We need a leader!21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-09
Sounds like a great idea!!21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-10
Why 777? 21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-11
First Thing We Need Is...21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-12
Idjit that's hilarious!!!21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-12
I wonder...21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-13
Ralph Klown21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-15
Is there even WATER in Saskatchewan?21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-23
ALBERTA Gathering it shall be!!!!21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-23
21 has to be moved by APRIL 30th!!!21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-24
Oh for the love of a mighty hitgod...21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-25
Jake and I graciously accept your invitation!21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-27
Hey! Don't forget KIMBERLITE!!!21MillionDollarBaby2003-01-28

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