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Date: 2009-08-07  
Author: shewolf  
Subject: Need help finding a auto body shop

I need help from any Saskatoon people that know of a good autobody shop that can fix dents,change windows and paint touch-ups. I want someone that their work won't fall apart a year or 2 down the road. SGI rated the damage at $2,600. If anyone knows someone please let me know.


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Subject Author Date *
re: 7th annual sk gathering - minutesPooga2009-06-21
hello CJ when is the next coffee club meeting [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2009-07-12
re: hello CJ when is the next coffee club meetingCalamityJanet2009-07-13
re: hello cj when is the next coffee club meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2009-07-13
re: hello cj when is the next coffee club meetingDr.JD Fever2009-07-13
re: hello cj when is the next coffee club meetingSarge2009-07-15
re: hello cj when is the next coffee club meetingPooga2009-07-15
re: hello CJ when is the next coffee club meetingBDKINGSTON2009-07-15
re: hello cj when is the next coffee club meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2009-07-16
Coffee club minutes [X]CalamityJanet2009-07-17
sheho-SK [X]J-Lynn2009-07-20
re: sheho-SKmeangene792009-07-21
Need help finding a auto body shop <<< [X]shewolf2009-08-07
re: need help finding a auto body shopBANKCOLLECTOR2009-08-07
Races [X]CalamityJanet2009-08-07
re: need help finding a auto body shopPooga2009-08-08
re: RacesBANKCOLLECTOR2009-08-08
remember coffee meeting this thursday [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2009-08-08
re: need help finding a auto body shopshewolf2009-08-08
re: need help finding a auto body shopBANKCOLLECTOR2009-08-09
re: RacesDr.JD Fever2009-08-09
re: RacesCalamityJanet2009-08-11
re: remember coffee meeting this thursdayCalamityJanet2009-08-11
re: racesBANKCOLLECTOR2009-08-11
re: need help finding a auto body shopSarge2009-08-11

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