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Date: 2014-03-27  
Subject: re: monday march 24th. coffee meeting

Okay so I went back and proof read my minutes and yes BDK you as usual were right about my mistakes. I promise to proof read next months minutes ifin I cannot convince the talented and charming CJ to attend another meeting and the minute taking. Life was so easy when she did the minutes and all | had to do was read them. Lets set another record for next month and each of us personally invite another member to come out and join us. I was thrilled that JD came out at my request and the other two guest were a surprise to see. Some input on when you want to hold next months meeting would be nice and maybe we should set up a regular monthly meeting for the summer. My offer to hold a day trip on Lake Diefenbaker on my pontoon boat is open to set a weekend day to go and a list of who wants to come out remembering I can only fit 10 on the boat so with betty and I on board that will leave space for eight guests. More details can be set out at next meeting. I am out on the lake every weekend in June July and Aug so we just need to set a date. June 20,21 &22 are ruled out as that is our anniversary and we will be on the boat alone for those days.


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Subject Author Date *
re: monday march 24th. coffee meeting <<<BANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-27
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-27
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-27
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-26
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingPooga2014-03-26
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBDKINGSTON2014-03-26
Welcome back CJ and Dr.JD FEVER [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-26
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-26
re: BRickBANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-26
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-24
BRick [X]schnits2014-03-24
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-22
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-22
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-21
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBDKINGSTON2014-03-20
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-20
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-20
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBDKINGSTON2014-03-20
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-20
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBANKCOLLECTOR2014-03-20
re: monday march 24th. coffee meetingBDKINGSTON2014-03-19
re: Monday March 24th. Coffee meetingPooga2014-03-19
re: Monday March 24th. Coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-19
re: Monday March 24th. Coffee meetingBDKINGSTON2014-03-19
re: Monday March 24th. Coffee meetingOnetobeseen2014-03-19

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