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Date: 2007-01-24
Author: money_king_84
Subject: re: Yes..... Are there others in Ontario???


I don't think I've ever seen another CMT bill, but I have seen a few Where's Willy ones...I'd also like it if CMT was more widely known; although we sometimes seem like the underdog compared with Where's Willy, I think we're just as fine a site.
I've only had 6 hits (I don't enter a large amount of bills on a regular basis), but most of them have been from bigger cities here in Ontario. There's not as many users in this area of the country as there are out west (as you noticed!)...which lessens the likelihood the bill's going to get hit by a smaller city or town, I suppose.
Money King =)

[ message was edited on: 2007/01/24 ]

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re: Yes..... Are there others in Ontario???money_king_842007-01-22
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