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Date: 2003-10-19
Author: Bill Collector
Subject: re: Ontario Users?


Since marked bills, CMT or otherwise make up such a small portion of the actual bills in circualtion, it's basically the luck of the draw. I have many more Where's Willy bills(currently placing 2nd in Ontario, 5-8th in Canada) entered than here at CMT, yet still mangage to find the odd 'Tracker' note from even as far away as Alberta. I was also fortunate to find one Orphan bill and a Naked(unmarked) bill over the past 21 months.

Should you come across any of my bills regardless of how they're marked, please be kind and do not double stamp them. They're very recognizable, being multi-coloured and 'in your face' as I inkjet most of the ones I release.

By the way have you found any WW bills in Stratford from Ken? How are you presently marking your bills and what got you interested in CMT? Congratulations on your bill entries and hang in there, the hits will come!!

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Subject Author Date *
Ontario Users?STORMCHASER772003-10-20
re: Ontario Users? <<<Bill Collector2003-10-19
re: Ontario Users?money_king_842003-10-16
re: Ontario Users?pappahunt2003-10-15
re: Ontario Users?Bill Collector2003-10-15
re: Ontario Users?money_king_842003-10-15
re: Ontario Users?Radar2003-10-11
re: Ontario Users?antics2003-10-08
re: Ontario Users?momunhun2003-10-08
re: Ontario Users?antics2003-10-07
re: Ontario Users?pappahunt2003-10-07
Ontario Users?momunhun2003-10-07
re: Hey y'allpappahunt2003-10-07
re: Hey y'allmagpie2003-10-06
re: Hey y'allSweetie2003-10-05
re: Hey y'allBDKINGSTON2003-10-05
re: Hey y'allmomunhun2003-10-05
re: Hey y'allantics2003-10-05
re: Hey y'allJ-Lynn2003-10-05
re: Hey y'allwally69me2003-10-05
Hey y'allRadar2003-10-05
re: Hellopappahunt2003-10-05
re: Hellojknoke2003-09-30
re: HelloCalamityJanet2003-09-29

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