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The database contains 3,860,527 notes totalling $ 50,401,428.

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Top Cities (by # entered)
 CityBills Entered
141.   Guelph, ON 742
142.   Sidney, BC 734
143.   Brampton, ON 725
144.   Beauport, QC 722
145.   Beaverlodge, AB 719
146.   Hafford, SK 715
147.   Manor, SK 699
148.   Laredo, TX, USA 684
149.   Chase, BC 674
150.   Hamilton, ON 670
151.   Crofton, BC 649
152.   Gabriola, BC 648
153.   Courtenay, BC 636
154.   Port Hope, ON 635
155.   Atlanta, GA, USA 628
156.   Dalmeny, SK 628
157.   Burns Lake, BC 603
158.   Dunlop, NB 598
159.   Warman, SK 598
160.   Saint-Pierre-Ile-d'Orleans, QC 597

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