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61.  GreenskeeperWilly494Apr 7, 2019
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63.  teepeejay476Jul 21, 2014
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65.  mstiggs470Mar 10, 2010
66.  waterski459Oct 31, 2022
67.  Gunther Stubbs451May 3, 2018
68.  magpie441Apr 25, 2013
69.  noremacikkin384Jun 8, 2012
70.  Snowhite367Dec 25, 2019
71.  BBOOP1366Jun 10, 2024
72.  Vlady357Nov 12, 2021
73.  waynewat1353Jan 7, 2016
74.  Tarfeathers335Aug 11, 2018
75.  MoJo Manson329Dec 1, 2021
76.  samson328May 27, 2014
77.  Cityscape326Oct 23, 2021
78.  MAGWER325Dec 29, 2011
79.  pookiekins293Aug 1, 2020
80.  kimberlite290Jul 24, 2011

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