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Date: 2002-11-25
Author: 21MillionDollarBaby
Subject: I made a Top Ten list!! Can't believe it...


Bills entered...Wahoo! That was almost my limit though. It's easy to see that you can only get so far so fast. I will never pass 105/wk until my limit goes up. Gives you others with a higher limit a chance to pass me -cmon let's play!Will I be bumped off next weeks or still in?? *smile*

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Subject Author * Date
re: Anon. mail21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-05
ROLL CALL!! Albertans, Where are you?21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-05
HOBBOLONG please email me!!!21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-11
re: Anon. mail21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-12
re: Where's Saskatchewan?21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-22
I made a Top Ten list!! Can't believe it... <<<21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-25
Can't wait to play Hi-Lo!!!!21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-28
Hey my dust!!!21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-28
I'm a USER! I'm a USER!21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-29
This will be a LONG weekend...21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-29
Not my fault!21MillionDollarBaby2002-11-30
I checked into it...21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-02
No SpyGirl say it isn't true!!21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-03
Thanks Pa21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-06
found a bug21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-06
Sarge you're hilarious!21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-09
A priest, a lawyer, and a doctor are walking21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-09
sorry to all offended parties21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-09
CMT Photo Gallery21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-11
Ummm...why is there still so much English21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-13
re: Ummm...why is there still so much English21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-13
21 has signed up for the course21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-21
Enjoy your festive winter holiday!!21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-25
Thanks for the promotion but...21MillionDollarBaby2002-12-25

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