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Date: 2022-02-22  
Subject: re: $100 prefix GKN

REMEMBER YOUR LISTS FELLOW TRACKERS. I have no problem selling small bills for large at lots of retailers crying for fives. When the prefix are added I will clear some of my lists. It is harder to spend 50 hundred dollar bills then it is to spend 1000 five dollar bills. My wife was at the CO OP grocery store and the till she was at had no five dollar bills so for a 4.oo dollar item the cashier tried to give her 16.00 in coins (did not have any 10's either. Had she taken the stack of fives I was handing her she could have sold them all. Happy Tracking Everyone. Keep Safe.


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Subject * Author Date
     re: Awaymovie-fan2022-05-22
     re: Awaymovie-fan2022-05-22
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     re: Dear Admins...BANKCOLLECTOR2022-03-21
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     re: Dear Admins...BANKCOLLECTOR2022-03-25
     re: Dear
$100 prefix GKN [X]Buizel102022-02-17
     re: $100 prefix GKNBANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-19
     re: $100 prefix GKNBuizel102022-02-19
     re: $100 prefix GKNBANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-19
     re: $100 prefix GKNCityscape2022-02-20
     re: $100 prefix GKNmovie-fan2022-02-22
     re: $100 prefix GKN <<<BANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-22
     re: $100 prefix GKNmovie-fan2022-02-28
My fellow Trackers. [X]wally69me2022-02-09
     re: My fellow Trackers.Cityscape2022-02-09
     re: My fellow
     re: My fellow Trackers.BANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-10
     re: My fellow Trackers.Lilybear2022-02-10

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