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Date: 2022-03-21  
Subject: re: Dear Admins...

FRUSTRATION? I am sure that is the feeling most of us have over situations we cannot control. We all cope the best way we know.
I lower my input on my daily input to lower trips to the bank(s) as far to many bricks purchased are with prefix's not yet in the system. I then make a new list to be entered when the input is done. I would love to be able to just lock up these bricks for future input, however I do not have limitless funds to do that. So the new brick my be exchanged for other bills. I am lucky to have a business willing to purchase these bricks from me. The company knows what I do (why I buy bricks) and they run through lots of cash everyday so it works for both parties. Like sports I believe we are in overtime on the site and we must prepare ourselves for the end. As with many things on the internet one day it will just disappear. So far it has been a great time on the site and I hope it lasts for many years more.


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Subject * Author Date
     re: Awaymovie-fan2022-05-22
     re: Awaymovie-fan2022-05-22
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     re: How to delete a typo entry?movie-fan2022-04-05
     re: How to delete a typo entry?BDKINGSTON2022-04-05
     re: How to delete a typo entry?BANKCOLLECTOR2022-04-07
     re: How to delete a typo entry?Pooga2022-04-11
Dear Admins... [X]Buizel102022-03-19
     re: Dear Admins... <<<BANKCOLLECTOR2022-03-21
     re: Dear Admins...Pooga2022-03-25
     re: Dear Admins...BANKCOLLECTOR2022-03-25
     re: Dear
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     re: $100 prefix GKNBANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-19
     re: $100 prefix GKNBuizel102022-02-19
     re: $100 prefix GKNBANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-19
     re: $100 prefix GKNCityscape2022-02-20
     re: $100 prefix GKNmovie-fan2022-02-22
     re: $100 prefix GKNBANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-22
     re: $100 prefix GKNmovie-fan2022-02-28
My fellow Trackers. [X]wally69me2022-02-09
     re: My fellow Trackers.Cityscape2022-02-09
     re: My fellow
     re: My fellow Trackers.BANKCOLLECTOR2022-02-10
     re: My fellow Trackers.Lilybear2022-02-10

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