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Outside Canada

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Date: 2021-09-18  
Author: movie-fan  
Subject: Returning to Canada

Yup, with the Covid situation getting worse (down here in Mexico as well as in Canada), It's time to return home to Canada.
Gotta be tested NEGATIVE, BEFORE entering the USA & Canada, tested again @ Canadian Border, and once again @ Day 8. Mandatory 14 Self-Quarantine. If all is negative ( and I have no reason not to be), I can then join my wife who returned months ago and re-establish our relationship. (We did it and survived when I was in the Military and away on a "tour", so this is/should be simple.)
Actually will be together to celebrate our anniversary so it is something I'm very much looking forward to.
We can always return to Mexico once this "Covid" thing gets under control. It may take a while but we will get there. Just gotta be patient! It's not like we haven't been through this type of thing before (just not to this degree).

While in the Military, I had so many "shots" that these will be easy to undergo. I have been double vaccinated, but Canada does not recognize the vaccine that we were issued. So, I'll start over. Double vaccinated!!


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Subject * Author Date
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     re: Look out Canada -- Here I come!BANKCOLLECTOR2021-09-22
     re: Look out Canada -- Here I come!movie-fan2021-09-22
     re: Look out Canada -- Here I come!Pooga2021-09-22
Returning to Canada <<< [X]movie-fan2021-09-18
     re: Returning to CanadaBANKCOLLECTOR2021-09-18
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     re: Covid-19 ImmuninzationPooga2021-05-14
     re: Covid-19 Immuninzationmovie-fan2021-05-14
     re: Covid-19 ImmuninzationBANKCOLLECTOR2021-05-15
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     re: Daylight Saving Time - MEXICOBANKCOLLECTOR2021-04-04
     re: Daylight Saving Time - MEXICOmovie-fan2021-04-04
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     re: New Mexican $20 peso COINmovie-fan2021-03-23
     re: New Mexican $20 peso COINBANKCOLLECTOR2021-03-23
     re: New Mexican $20 peso COINmovie-fan2021-03-24
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No return [X]movie-fan2021-02-04
     re: No returnBDKINGSTON2021-02-05

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