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Date: 2012-04-25  
Author: Conk  
Subject: Where is eveyone?

Just wondering why this thread for the west is so quiet? A full year has gone by since anyone but me has posted.
My wife and I are back in Canada, presently in Medicine Hat. We do NOT plan to help with the mangagement of the RV Park this summer.
We came back from Arizona a few days early since my grandmother was not doing well. She was in a home in Ridgevalley AB, near Grande Prairie. We went up to see her, and had a pleasant vist with her, after dropping off our trailer in Medicine Hat. She passed away about 10 days later (age 99 years and 3 months) so we made another trip there for the funeral.
This weekend we are taking our grandson, age 12 to Lethbridge where he has been invited to play hockey in a spring league.
Other than that we have been doing our regualar April stuff, doctors appointments (colonoscopys this past Monday), Income tax, a few minor RV repairs as well as enjoying our children and grandchildren who of course we had not seen since our brief return to Canada from Arizona at New Years.
A GREAT day to all!

[ message was edited on: 2012/04/25 ]


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Subject Author * Date
Back in Canada [X]Conk2011-12-29
Where is eveyone? <<< [X]Conk2012-04-25
re: Where is eveyone?Conk2012-04-26
May 29. 2012 [X]Conk2012-05-30
Back in Canada [X]Conk2013-04-08
Hi from Medicine Hat [X]Conk2018-03-30
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