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Date: 2012-05-30  
Author: Conk  
Subject: May 29. 2012

On the morning of May 29, I went to a bank ATM for some cash. Imagine my surprise and consternation when THIS site was down. I needed money, for deisel for my truck. Not to worry I am also a member of wherehaveibeen. This site was NOT available either. MAYBE the governments have shut down ALL money tracking sites went through my mind. Then I remembered, I belong to followyourcash, though I have never entered any notes on it. WHEW what a relief--this site was working just fine. I was able to enter most of my $20.00 notes from the bank and some $10.00 notes that I had recieved as change the previous day. However since it is a fairly new site, it did not accept the prefixes of a couple notes. I DID have enough marked cash to fill my truck with deisel with a little to spare. Intermitantly during the day I kept checking cdn-money and wherehaveibeen, NO luck. By evening I am getting a little anxious again, we are relocating campsites tomorrow and I need more stamped notes. Then it dawned on me! I enter most of my US cash on wheresgeorge, it has a sister site whereswilly that I am a member of, and have used mostly to give other members hits. Finally, I am able to enter the rest of my cash. I am forced however to speak politely to my wife so she will print the websites on the notes. My printing is pretty much illegible as is my writing. NOTE to self: Have some more stamps made.
I go to bed HAPPY! I feel very fortunate that I am NOT addicted to money tracking, as most of you on this site are. I KNOW I can stop any time I want! LOL
A GREAT day to all!
PS Thanks to site admin for getting this site up and running again.

[ message was edited on: 2012/05/30 ]


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