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Date: 2021-08-08  
Author: movie-fan  
Subject: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH REPEATING!

For reaching the 600,000 milestone. That's a lot of entries!
No easy feat.
A true dedication to the website.
You deserve your title and crown. Wear your badge of honour with pride.

It will be quite sometime before anyone ever comes close (and that's me included)

Now, if we could only get the other Trackers so show some dedication.


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Subject * Author Date
     re: CFL (SK Rider fans)MKADOLLAR2021-11-30
SNOW!!! [X]movie-fan2021-11-11
November 8th 2021 [X]movie-fan2021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021BDKINGSTON2021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021Buizel102021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021BDKINGSTON2021-11-08
October 31st & NO SNOW!! [X]movie-fan2021-10-31
As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH REPEATING! <<< [X]movie-fan2021-08-08
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...BDKINGSTON2021-08-08
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...BANKCOLLECTOR2021-08-11
     re: As posted on the "other" forum.
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...redmax12021-08-17
     re: as posted on the "other" forum. worth...BANKCOLLECTOR2021-08-19
to all [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Onetobeseen2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Pooga2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-17
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Pooga2020-08-21
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-22
MasterRaistlin [X]Pooga2020-08-08
     re: MasterRaistlinBANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-08
     re: MasterRaistlinBDKINGSTON2020-08-09
redmax [X]Pooga2020-07-16
grito especial ! [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2020-05-22

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