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Date: 2021-11-11  
Author: movie-fan  
Subject: SNOW!!!

Early afternoon on November 10th, Winnipeg got rain mixed with slushy snow. They're saying that overnight we’ll get the beginnings of a major snow storm that'll dump quite a lot of snow and that the temps will drop.
Guess tomorrow (Remembrance Day), I’ll have to put away my summer sports shorts and pull out a pair of track pants.😉😁

Feeling sorry for all the vets and currently serving military members who’ll have to stand in the parade during this crappy weather. (Been there, done that!)

November 11th, REMEMBRANCE DAY. They did so we may.
Buy a vet a beer today & thank them for their service and sacrifices they
endured, emphasizing how much you appreciate them.


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Subject * Author Date
     re: CFL (SK Rider fans)MKADOLLAR2021-11-30
SNOW!!! <<< [X]movie-fan2021-11-11
November 8th 2021 [X]movie-fan2021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021BDKINGSTON2021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021Buizel102021-11-08
     re: November 8th 2021BDKINGSTON2021-11-08
October 31st & NO SNOW!! [X]movie-fan2021-10-31
As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH REPEATING! [X]movie-fan2021-08-08
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...BDKINGSTON2021-08-08
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...BANKCOLLECTOR2021-08-11
     re: As posted on the "other" forum.
     re: As posted on the "other" forum. WORTH...redmax12021-08-17
     re: as posted on the "other" forum. worth...BANKCOLLECTOR2021-08-19
to all [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Onetobeseen2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Pooga2020-08-16
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-17
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.Pooga2020-08-21
     re: to all my friends and the rest of you also.BANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-22
MasterRaistlin [X]Pooga2020-08-08
     re: MasterRaistlinBANKCOLLECTOR2020-08-08
     re: MasterRaistlinBDKINGSTON2020-08-09
redmax [X]Pooga2020-07-16
grito especial ! [X]BANKCOLLECTOR2020-05-22

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